Hilarious, Honest, Heartbreaking, and Heartwarming
“If you have things in your life that are holding you back from a joyful, abundant existence, then let me suggest, if it’s not one thing, it’s a mother!” – Sabrina Ciceri
What if you could learn how to drop feelings of guilt and shame as a mother, wife, daughter, and individual and have an amazing relationship with your mom, kids, and everyone else without sacrificing your life goals and happiness?
Sabrina Ciceri shows us how in the critically acclaimed ‘If It’s Not One Thing, It’s a Mother.’ Through her own challenging experience with her mother growing up, Sabrina uncovers and explores how the choices our mothers made raising us can impact our lives, leading to codependency and self-doubt, and how through self-awareness, inner strength, and healthy boundaries, we can reverse that negative spiral into ambition, self-care, and an unshakable tenacity to do it better.

"I have always loved the Serenity Prayer. I've lived my life by it since I was 20 years old and first saw it" - Sabrina Ciceri.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
The courage to change the things I can.
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Enjoy Sabrina’s powerfully compelling and captivating journey through faith, health, and old-school parenting. Her moving story from childhood to marriage, to being a mother of six (four of which are adopted), building a successful health business, and finally cultivating a loving and honest relationship with her mother will leave you feeling motivated and inspired to be your authentic self and live the life YOU have always wanted.
About the author
Sabrina is a self-confessed go-getter!
With a driving ambition as strong as her desire to help people feel and be their absolute best inside and out, she fulfilled a lifelong dream by opening the evolutionary wellness center in The Villages, ‘Immunity Health.’
Refreshingly honest and aware of her strengths and weaknesses, Sabrina nurtured her natural impulse to inspire hope, health, and resilience in others through her own life experience as a nurse, certified fitness instructor, magazine publisher, author, and extremely proud mom. Outside of her illustrious career and unstoppable determination to achieve, you’ll find Sabrina and her devoted, hard-working husband, Joe, enjoying time with their large family. Having lovingly fostered and adopted many children over the years, It’s no surprise they were named the 2014 Foster Parents of the Year by Kids Central Inc.
In a perfect world, everyone would take care of themselves, but when they can’t, Sabrina will!
If you would like to invite Sabrina to inspire others and speak at your event, feature on your radio, TV, or podcast show, or interview her for your publication, we’d love to hear from you! Please get in touch with us using the contact form below.